August 6, 2022
In November 2021 following allegations of sexual violence and misconduct in some
Interfraternity Council chapters, the Provost created the Working Group on Interfraternity
Council (IFC) Culture, Prevention and Accountability. The Working Group, comprised of
student leaders, faculty, and staff, convened two times per month from November through April,
including a half-day Saturday retreat in March. After multiple working sessions and a review of
literature and best practices, the Working Group identified immediate opportunities to enhance
the partnership between the university and the IFC community. Based on these opportunities, the
Working Group established a preliminary action plan that eligible IFC chapters1 had to complete
before resuming social activities that had been paused as a result of the events in Fall 2021.
During the implementation of the preliminary action plan, IFC student leaders demonstrated a
commitment to continual growth and improvement. Student Affairs updated the community on
IFC chapter compliance with the preliminary actions on the Student Affairs Fraternity and
Sorority Leadership Development website. The website was updated weekly throughout the
Spring 2022 semester.