- Office of Professionalism and Ethics (OPE): The office that governs the Report & Response website and oversees the initial assessment of reports of concerns. OPE works closely with partnering university offices to review matters received from other outlets. In addition to the Report & Response website, you may also report concerns by calling 213-740-2500. This number is staffed by live operators 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity & Title IX: Current students, faculty, and staff have the right to file a report alleging harassment, discrimination or retaliation to the Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity & Title IX (for UPC, call 213-740-5086; for HSC, call 323-442-2020).
- Support and Advocacy: Current students may contact USC Support and Advocacy, 213-821-4710, for advocacy related to academic issues. Parents of current students may also contact this office.
- USC WorkWell Center: Provides confidential counseling, coaching, consulting, and critical incident stress management to all USC benefits-eligible faculty, staff, post-docs, and retirees. Email workwell@usc.edu, call 213-821-0800, or visit the WorkWell website for more information.
- Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP): RSVP provides confidential services to current students. Call 213-740-WELL (9355) for assistance.
- Counseling for Current Students: All USC students may contact Counseling and Mental Health Services in USC Student Health for assistance; Call 213-740-WELL (9355)
- Sharing Concerns, Arranging Counseling For Former Patients: We encourage anyone who wishes to share experiences or concerns regarding George Tyndall’s behavior to contact the dedicated helpline numbers 888-961-9273 or 817-633-7022 or email helpline@praesidiuminc.com. For former student health center patients who need further support, we are also providing the option for free counseling with a provider of their choosing, which can be accessed through a third party and without further contact with the university at 888-961-9273 or 817-633-7022 or by email at helpline@praesidiuminc.com. These resources are also open for current USC students who wish to utilize them.
External Reporting and Support Resources
- Law Enforcement: Reports can be made to law enforcement if you feel your experience warrants investigation: 877- ASK-LAPD is a non-emergency reporting line.
- State Medical Board: Reports can be made to the California Medical Board.
- Peace Over Violence provides advocates who support those in the process of reporting.
- Center for the Pacific Asian Family provides Chinese speaking and other Asian language advocates for those in the process of reporting. (800) 339-3940
- U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. This includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin, sex, religion.