Message to the community from the USC Board of Trustees Chair

“We are pleased to announce that today the USC Board of Trustees passed a series of significant and historic changes to its governance structure.

As you know well, USC has grown dramatically over the past few decades. That growth includes a larger student body, more faculty, a fast-growing staff, and operating one of the region’s largest medical enterprises in Keck Medicine of USC. However, the Board of Trustees recognized that it has been organized in much the same way as it was thirty years ago. Just as USC has changed, so too must our Board. And, that is what we have done.”…

Results and Town Hall: 2019 AAU Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

“Last spring, the Association of American Universities (AAU) led this survey of 33 member universities as a follow up to a similar study in 2015. We participated both years because we believe this information will help us identify the work we need to do to provide safe campuses so all members of the USC community can thrive.

A total of nearly 200,000 students from the participating schools filled out the survey this year, providing invaluable data points to help us – and peer universities across the country – benchmark where we are and highlight how much work we have yet to do.

The survey results clearly show the need for ongoing work to strengthen the prevention and intervention efforts already underway, and to provide additional support for those impacted. Over the past years, the university has increased efforts in these areas. We value your input and will continue to work vigilantly to improve the climate on our campuses.”…

Your Voices, Our Future: Take the Survey

Beginning October 14, 2019, all students, faculty and staff are encouraged to take a 15-minute poll on cultural values (coming via email from “”) about University of Southern California’s current culture, your values, and what we should strive for in the future.

This is how change begins.

The Culture Journey is USC’s university-wide initiative to co-create USC’s values, align the supportive behaviors that bring those values to life, and create opportunities to improve our systems, processes, and culture. The journey involves expressing ideas from all groups throughout the entire USC community through our “conversations around culture.” It is an important step in moving toward a culture based on shared values, and to rebuild trust across our institution….

Message from President Folt to the USC Community

“Building the best culture for Trojans begins with understanding the values at the heart of our community. Next week, on October 14, we will launch the USC Values Poll – a fifteen-minute, online poll for all students, staff, and faculty…Culture change is a journey. It is something that we develop together over time through honest, open conversation and the actions each of us take every day.” …

Charles Zukoski begins appointment as University Provost

Charles Zukoski begins his term as University Provost. As the second-ranking administrator at USC, the provost oversees all academic programs at the university, the 23 professional schools and units and educational policies. He will manage the divisions dedicated to academic and faculty affairs, student affairs, admission and enrollment research, campus well-being, global initiatives, libraries and museums, among others. Zukoski said he is enthusiastic about collaborating with faculty members, school leaders and students to advance the university’s educational, research and community engagement goals….

How did the Culture Journey get started?

The Culture Journey began with a group of passionate faculty, staff, and students who came together with the goal of bettering the USC experience for everyone. A brief history: In August 2017- December 2018, the Task Force on Workforce Standards and Employee Wellness consisting of faculty, staff, and students focused on understanding root issues behind…

What is the “Culture Journey”?

Right now, at USC we are focusing on revitalizing our culture. For the first time in USC’s history, we are inviting the entire community to co-create USC’s values and subsequently bring those values to life. We are referring to this initiative as a journey, because transforming and improving our culture does not happen overnight, nor…

Chantelle Rice Collins champions culture change: “It will have a radiating impact on people’s health”

Chantelle Rice Collins isn’t sure who nominated her to participate in USC’s culture change efforts, but their reasons for doing so become clear once she starts talking about her passion for cultivating individual well-being. “This isn’t fluff,” Rice Collins said. “Creating nurturing environments at USC is for the benefit and the effectiveness of the university. We can start small, but we need to think long term.”…

Paul Adler: “We’re putting into place a process that will bring the right people together, around the right issues and in the right ways”

If there’s one thing USC has going for it as it embarks on a journey of culture change, it’s that its community of faculty, staff, students and alumni care deeply about its mission. It’s a strength that Paul S. Adler, a professor at the USC Marshall School of Business, believes will help the university through this multi-year process….

Letter to the community regarding Tyndall Class Action Settlement administration, July 19, 2019

July 19, 2019 We know that many women in our USC community have recently received mail notification about the Federal Class Action Settlement from a third-party administrator in the George Tyndall matter. The content and manner of distribution for the settlement was mandated by the court and carried out by the third-party administrator, as we…